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DXC Technology

  • > 100,000 employees

Liam Creagh

I try to get some physical activity in, at least every second day. Usually consists of rock climbing, playing field hockey or a simple walk.

8.00 AM

Wake up and get ready for the day, making sure I have a full water bottle at my desk.

9.00 AM

Start the work day, going through emails and seeing what meetings I have scheduled.

9.15 AM

Finish up any tasks or non-client activities from the day before.

9.45 AM

Begin working on major tasks assigned to me, which for my current project usually involves either reading scripts for system functionality and converting them into easy-to-understand training materials or implementing any feedback for already created training materials.

10.30 AM

Attend my first meeting of the day, which is an internal project meeting where we discuss how the previous day went and if we need any help from within DXC Technology for our tasks. Often use this time to also get a quick snack in, such as banana bread or fruit.

11.00 AM

Attend my daily client meeting where we discuss task progress and ask quick questions to the client. I sometimes elevate my desk to allow me to work while standing around this time.


11.30 AM

Continue working on my major tasks. A single training material can take anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete so each day I usually work on one major task at a time. If I get stuck or blocked and need to wait for a client’s response to a question, I will move on to a different task.

12.30 PM

Stop work for lunch. Will eat my food away from my work computer, either with a friend or while watching a YouTube video. Meals are usually quick to make or made the previous night to give myself enough time to eat, watch, and relax.

1.00 PM

Come back to work and answer any emails/messages I missed while I was gone. Then I simply continued whatever I had been working on earlier in the day. Sometimes between 12 and 2 pm I will have a non-client related meeting, such as for the graduate program, my DXC department, or to organize a social work activity.

4.00 PM

Attend my final client meeting of the day, where we discuss any blockers encountered and if we need any extra meetings scheduled in for the following day.

4.30 PM

Attend either a social meeting with my manager and other graduates, finish any vital work for the project, spend the time working on any administrative/self-improvement tasks, or if we are in the office, challenge some to Foosball.


5.00 PM

Finished for the day. If there is any vital work for the following day that will take a short time to complete, I will finish it off then shut down the computer.

6.00 PM

I try to get some physical activity in, at least every second day. Usually consists of rock climbing, playing field hockey, or a simple walk.

7.00 PM

Dinner time with the family while we watch television. We discuss how each of our days went while preparing the meals.

8.00 PM

If I am not out of the house or playing an online game with friends, I will either watch a movie or read a book. Basically, whatever will allow me to relax and enjoy myself.


11.00 PM

Get to bed and continue reading my book or talk with friends online.

12.00 AM

Go to sleep to give myself a solid 8 hours of rest for the next day.