Updating Results

Essential Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Brenton Fazzolari

My responsibility is part of the graduation program in training and development to create and maintain servers for Essential Energy employees, contractors, and customers.

7.50 AM

I woke up Monday morning 1 month into the job at 7:50 am. I woke up at this time as I planned to Work From Home as I was offered this option as part of my employment. I had my breakfast, fed my ferrets, brushed my teeth and hair then turned my laptop on ready for an 8:30 am start.

8.30 AM

I check all my emails and see if there are any alerts for any servers that may be down. I also write a message in our Microsoft Teams Team expressing my Good Mornings and checking if there have been any issues overnight. Once I did this, I continued with 25 minutes of study using Plural Sight and reading through the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ900.

Essential Energy

9.00 AM

I attend our everyday standup meeting. This discussed all the eTech teams if there have been any priority incidents. This helps all eTech teams communicate with each other if they have any questions for that eTech team they can ask them. This meeting runs for about 15 minutes.

Essential Energy

9.15 AM

I returned to studying the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ900 on Pluralsight. I also logged onto the Non-Production Microsoft Azure subscription to practice creating Microsoft Servers for Data centers and customizing them to how I liked them. I also created some Resource groups and configured this to allow certain functions to complete with apps inside of this. I did this until lunchtime at 12:00 pm. I had an hour break at lunchtime to lift some weights at home, exercise 100 star jumps and do some pushups. I also played some of my video games during my lunch break. I decided to play golf on my Nintendo Switch, Switch Sports Resorts. I then went back to work at 1 pm.

This afternoon I decided to work on my report on a quotation for 3 x encrypted external SSDs. I got given a project to research the best specifications for replacing the old external drives that we did manual backups for that were off the cloud. I decided to read the security standards for encrypted external drives in a corporate environment on the ACSC (Australian Cyber Security Center) website. Once learning about the different standards and ratings I was intrigued to learn about IP (Ingress Protection) ratings. Once learning about this I read about the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) which would help make my final decision to recommend the best Encrypted External SSD.

I then decided to create a meeting with my boss to discuss some more points of what I have learned and how much of this matters when searching for the best-suited encrypted external drive. I manage to get a meeting with him at 2:00 pm.

Essential Energy

2.00 PM

I had a 30-minute meeting with him and he gave me some recommendations of whom to speak to when checking what standards we need for Essential Energy. I got referred to the Cyber Security team to check this out. I managed to get a meeting at 4:00 pm with one of the Cyber Security advisors.

2.00 PM – 4.00 PM

I researched 6 different encrypted external SSDs. I didn’t complete this in 2 hours as there were mixed reviews from different websites. I also factored in how easy it is to use. More to the point more questions arose especially what size we would need. How fast are the encrypted SSD? What is the best keypad to use? How available are they to order? Will any fingerprint marks be left on the Encrypted External drive and raise some security issues by an intruder knowing what the code would be?

I had a 15-minute meeting with one of the Cyber Security advisors. He explained to me the differences between the IP, FIPS and ACSC standards and the information that is applicable to Essential Energy.

4.15 PM-5.00 PM

I spent the last 45 minutes shaping my report, adding in the top 3 recommended Encrypted External drives. I also booked a meeting with one of my colleagues to see how much data we need backing up onto these drives and what the procedure is with backing up data on these Encrypted External drives. By learning this it will depict what size we need to buy for Essential Energy. Once I had shaped my report (Which was going to take weeks) I was going to present the draft to the Manager of eTech Operations to see if this is up to the format standards for Essential Energy.

Essential Energy

5.00 PM

My work is finished for the day, and I had setup several meetings for tomorrow and would endeavor to continue to learn more information from my boss and peers if this is up to their standards.

Essential Energy

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