Updating Results

Essential Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Kyle Kosseris

Currently, I am a part of Organisational Development in Essential, my team develops and implements strategic initiatives that define the employee experience and anticipate the future needs of the workforce.

5.30 AM

Sleep through the first alarm set (I’m not a morning person)

5.50 AM

Wake up to the “backup” alarm and head to the coffee shop to catch up with friends that are morning people.

7.00 AM

Head to the break wall at the beach and go for a quick 5 km Run to get my workout for the day out of the way.

7.30 AM

Head home, shower and get ready for work, I have a zoom and project development-heavy day today so decided to work from home.

Essential Energy

8.00 AM

Open emails, To Do lists and Teams to see any communication /Task that has come overnight and create an action list.

8.15 AM – 10.00 AM

Work through the task/s with the most priority – today was reviewing and editing a news article document to be posted on EssentialNet (EE’s Intranet).

10.00 AM

Informal Coffee Catch up with the Organisational Development team over zoom, we are free to talk about whatever here and it’s not required to show up, but everyone does, it’s a great way to catch up with the entire team as some work remotely can’t access the office frequently.

10.30 AM – 11.30 AM

Meeting with my manager, the Digital Coordinator for corporate comms, and an internal comms specialist to receive some training on creating a News Article page to promote inclusion and Diversity events.

11.30 AM – 12.30 PM

Join a working group meeting over zoom to develop a Pregnancy in the Field Resource for business stakeholders, outlining the purpose, brainstorming Ideas, and creating action points.  Starting to get better at Excel the more I use it, and the share document feature allows the team to work in collaboration in real time over zoom and the document while being around 400kms apart.

12.30 PM – 1.00 PM

I often try to pre-make my lunch to have at home or take to the office, so I reheat this week’s special – a large chicken burrito bowl with rice and take a break from work, closing the laptop and leaving the phone in the study. My partner is home, so we have lunch together in the living room (she’s a nurse and is working a night shift).

1.30 PM – 3.00 PM

Full of food and Energy I had back into the office for a back-to-back meeting to fill out my afternoon. Connecting with the multicultural reference group to talk logistics of the Harmony Day event coming up. Then moving on to the Early talent Pathways team to talk through the graduate rotation review system.

3.00 PM – 4.30 PM

I take the last 90 minutes of my day organising all the information, action items and projects from the day into a To Do list and start working through the easy ones, It is getting late in the workday and I want to get a couple more wins in before signing off.

5.00 PM – 9.30 PM

I pack up the work laptop and bring out my personal laptop and crgh some Uni work, I’ve just started an MBA by distance, ill often work on this for 30-minute spurts through the rest of the night, rolling through course content and assessment work. Stopping for dinner and stretching and moving around.

9.30 PM – 10.30 PM

Wind down for bed, I’ll often watch YouTube or put on a video podcast for a bit to wind down from a busy day letting my body and mind rest. 

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