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Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Lloyd Duncan

The graduate program is a great opportunity to try out any interests you might have, without fully committing to one stream, whether it's in policy, fire management, biodiversity etc.

8.00 AM

Remote working arrangements have allowed much more flexibility and much less time in transit! If I’m feeling proactive, I’ll manage to get out for a morning walk and a coffee and catch up on the news. If not, I’m rolling out of bed at 8:30am, having a quick breakfast and getting straight into the workday.

9.00 AM

There are always a range of tasks and priorities to stay across throughout the day, so it’s always good to prioritise a to-do list and check the calendar for any important events. Working in the renewable energy space, I also like to catch up on recent news, analysis or publications that are relevant to our work, RenewEconomy is often a go-to source of information.

10.00 AM

My branch prioritises connectivity in the remote working world, and we always have a scheduled catch-up on Microsoft Teams to discuss life outside work. It offers a good chance to keep in contact while also discussing any key challenging tasks, project updates or upcoming opportunities. My team works with the community on renewable energy and climate change mitigation, so connections and discussions within the team are always valuable.

11.00 AM

After a few hours at the computer I’m very ready to get outside, which will usually involve a quick walk around North Melbourne or a phone call in the backyard. Prior to COVID, at the Nicholson Street office, this was a walk around Carlton Gardens – sometimes a walking catch-up or meeting with a colleague.

Graduate Project Officer at DELWP and DJPR

11.15 AM

Mid-morning is a good opportunity to get stuck into some substantive work or a project. At present, I’m assisting with some preliminary work to prepare for Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) in Victoria. I’m writing a piece to understand the implications, barriers and opportunities associated with REZs in the communities where they are located.

12.30 PM

Lunch-time – usually I keep it fairly simple, but it invariably involves a sourdough from VicMarket and a relax in the backyard (or a banh mi for a low-key Friday treat).

1.15 PM

Early afternoon is also a great time to get through the to-do list or continue a project.  Im often drafting work for supervisors, researching aspects of the energy sector, preparing presentations for stakeholders, or whatever else needs doing on the day. In the Science and Planning graduate program, there are lots of opportunities so you’re always working on something new.

4.00 PM

If I’m ahead on work, I’ll usually plan for the next day or take the chance look into learning and development opportunities, which the graduate program strongly supports. I also like to catch up on publications released by energy organisations such as the Australian Energy Market Operator, which really helps to understand the Victorian Government’s role in the transition to renewable electricity.

5.30 PM

Nights after work always disappear quickly! I usually try to fit in an explore around North Melbourne and a podcast, some cooking, reading, social futsal and a night at the pub with friends.