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Application Process & Interviews at Monadelphous

8.6 rating for Recruitment, based on 21 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The initial interview process was an online call with a HR representative. I then had an face to face interview with the same HR rep and a GM within the department. These chats were fairly relaxed and about getting to know each other.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Sep 2024
Apply, interview, yes/no.
Graduate, Perth - 11 Sep 2024
interview process was great I never felt nervous during the interviews I was immediately reassured and it was great that it just felt like a conversation instead of an interrogation.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
I completed only interviews, in person interviews and an assessment day.
Graduate, Perth - 01 Aug 2024
Assessment centre, one on one interview, online interview
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
It was extensive and that was due to the no. of applicants, but regular contact was made, and the process was simple.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Interview process I found to be very good. very professional and efficient. I had other companies take a month to make a decision and tell me. Monos had me interviewed, hired and starting in 3 weeks. I felt like I was actually treated like a person too. I had some bad experiences at other interviews.
Graduate, Morwell - 30 Jul 2024
As a graduate, typically once your CV has been received, a member of the recruitment team will interview you online, and notify you if you have reached the assessment centre. At the assessment centre, a group of potential graduates will be assessed in the form of team building activities. Following acceptance, there will be a final manager interview, which will determine your suitability and result in a letter of offer is accepted.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
The interview progress was great at monos and sets a high standard, you get a good feel for how the company structures itself.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
had online recordings to submit, and then an in-person interview
Intern, Perth - 08 Feb 2023
the Interview felt professional but also relaxed so there was no stress
Intern, Perth - 06 Feb 2023
Applied online, then had an short online interview with the recruiter and then a following interview with the commercial manager and senior accountant
Graduate, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
Email -> online interview -> in person interview
Intern, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
Online interview first to get to know the graduate program and if it was something I'd be interested in, then went on to an in-person interview with the manager
Graduate, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
Due to COVID restrictions interviews were taken as one on one and allowed for a very personal and friendly environment.
Intern, Kalgoorlie - 02 Feb 2023
Phone interview with grad staff. In person interview with manager.
Intern, Perth - 02 Feb 2023
online interview, real interview with recruitment and head of electrical
Intern, Perth - 02 Feb 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Graduate, Perth - 11 Sep 2024
What would I be interested in regarding doing FIFO? If I would enjoy the work Monos does.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
My experience, strengths, goals and what sort of work I was looking for (where my interests lie).
Graduate, Perth - 01 Aug 2024
Previous experience, current construction knowledge
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Experience level, ambitions, past working experiences
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
I remember being asked some basic things about where I wanted to go career wise to make sure it lined up with what Monadelphous did. some things about dealing with clients. Other then that they weren't too picky with technical things. Which makes sense as that is stuff you learn on the job. Other then that I have no idea what I was asked.
Graduate, Morwell - 30 Jul 2024
Generic recruitment questions around what type of work you enjoy, what you know about the company, what experiences you have, what your career goals are, etc.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
What I do in my down time, where I have worked previously, how I communicate with others on site, where do I see myself in 5 years.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
past experience, what my expectations were, why i was applying
Intern, Perth - 08 Feb 2023
past experience, life goals, and who I am as a person now
Intern, Perth - 06 Feb 2023
How would I respond to situations where I don't immediately know the answer. How I would interact with the team
Graduate, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
General get to know you questions, why are you doing what youre doing and other general questions to understand who I am as a person
Intern, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
I was asked about uni, my hobbies and interests
Graduate, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
About myself; interests, hobbies, studying in uni. where I would like to be positioned if I got the job and allowed me to ask my own questions to learn more about the company.
Intern, Kalgoorlie - 02 Feb 2023
What i am looking for. What experience do i have. how have i gone in my studies.
Intern, Perth - 02 Feb 2023
common stuff. they didn't really care about grades, they cared more about the personality of the person and judging whether or not theyd be a good fit
Intern, Perth - 02 Feb 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Don't overthink it and be yourself
Graduate, Perth - 11 Sep 2024
Research the companies current jobs/ partnerships as well as their values. Convey your personality as much throughout the process instead of answering questions like they've been pre answered
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Do a bit of research into the company and what their current projects are. There are a few departments in the business so understanding what each do and what sort of projects they work on will benefit you in getting into the right project for you.
Graduate, Perth - 01 Aug 2024
Be yourself, be human
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Jul 2024
Look at current projects that the company is working on
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
For those going into a graduate role absolutely say yes to everything and make the effort to see the milestone moments onsite. even if your workload can seem stressful
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Well I would make sure you know that monos do construction. So if you don't want to do that then it probably isn't for you. Maybe knowing what monos do in your particular area as they service a broad range of areas and industries. It can be difficult when you worked under a subsidiary as its not always clear who Monadelphous is. get a 4wd certificate too. It has come in handy a lot of times here. You need to be comfortable dealing with trades too.
Graduate, Morwell - 30 Jul 2024
Review your CV and make sure you can elaborate on everything included. During the assessment center, be focal and contribute to the team.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Research the Monadelphous website and understand the 2 departments M&IS and EC. Understand what project construction engineering is and design engineering.
Graduate, Perth - 30 Jul 2024
Researching the projects and finding some you would like to work on
Intern, Perth - 08 Feb 2023
just be your self, I feel like they're more looking for who you are as a person and if you fit the culture of the business over your ability.
Intern, Perth - 06 Feb 2023
Read about the company and get an understanding of what we do
Graduate, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
Be yourself - don't over-speak. be concise and answer the question directly (dont tip toe around it)
Intern, Perth - 03 Feb 2023
Be yourself and have a look their values to see if they align with your own.
Intern, Kalgoorlie - 02 Feb 2023
Be honest to yourself about what you want out of the internshi[
Intern, Perth - 02 Feb 2023
just don't be stressed. It's very casual and conversational. I didn't just talked about myself, I asked the heads what they've done with the company and what to expect
Intern, Perth - 02 Feb 2023