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Ryan Carmody

Ryan Carmody studied a Bachelor of Computer Science (Cyber Security) at The University of Adelaide and is a Graduate Web Developer at RAA.

6.45 AM

Time to get up! I normally hit the snooze button a few times but since starting the internship, I get straight out of bed and jump in the shower. I have a quick breakfast and choose from one of the five business shirts that I cycle through each week; I go for the pink and blue one today! I grab my leftovers from dinner last that I have packed in a Tupperware container, today I have my famous satay tofu and vegetables with rice noodles, yum! I grab my phone, keys, wallet and bag and jump in the car. 

7.45 AM 

I arrive at RAA’s head office in Mile End. I don’t live too far away, so it hasn’t taken me that long to get here. I check if there are any car parks available in the undercover car park, I am in luck, and park my car. From the carpark, it’s a couple minutes’ walk to the building. Once I arrive at my desk, I go for a short walk to get a coffee and say hello to everyone. 

RAA Graduate Ryan Carmody short walk

8.00 AM

I’ve got my coffee to satisfy my caffeine addiction and am all set so I sit down and start going through my emails and checking my calendar. Once I am all prepared for the day, I continue working on the work that I left the previous day. Today I am continuing working on some backend C# code with a senior developer calling the new API’s that have recently been set up.

RAA Graduate Ryan Carmody code with a senior developer

10.00 AM

At ten on the dot, all of the developers, UX team and scrum master head to the meeting room nearby. There are also five contractors who join the meeting via Skype as they work remotely. We spend 15 minutes talking about what we are working on, if we need help, any blockers we are facing etc. 

11.00 AM

I’m meeting with my mentor today. Her name is Kerry and she is a Senior Manager from a different department. We catch up most weeks to talk about the internship and how things are going. It’s been incredible having someone so wise help me through my first professional office experience. 

12.00 PM

It’s lunch time! I heat up my lunch and head down to the in-house café. I see there is two of the other interns sitting at a table, so I join them. I catch up with them and see how their day is going. Even though I am enjoying my satay tofu, the food they have cooked up at the café is smelling amazing - so I kind of wish I had that instead!

RAA Graduate Ryan Carmody meeting

1.30  PM

After getting some work done after lunch, I have a meeting with all seven interns. We are working on the big project that was given to us on the first day. We have been given the duration of the internship to complete it. We have a big presentation in a couple of weeks, so we have a lot to prepare for! 

RAA Graduate Ryan Carmody scrum

3.30 PM

I’m back at my desk working alongside the Senior Developer on the task we have been assigned. We still have a couple of days to complete it, but we are seeing some code neither of us has seen before. We collaborate with another developer who knows more about this. By this time, it’s 4 PM so it’s time to leave. We stop where we are and will continue tomorrow.

RAA Graduate Ryan Carmody at his desk

5.30 PM

After getting home and catching up with my girlfriend about each other’s day (and maybe laying on the couch for half an hour just vegging out), we take the dog for a big walk. I always love getting out in the fresh air into the parklands after work, it really clears my head and makes me feel good!

6.30 PM

Time to make dinner. Since starting, I always go food shopping on Sundays and plan all my meals. Tonight, my girlfriend and I are making vegetarian pizzas. They’re great for a quick and easy meal and of course, I have made extra for lunch tomorrow!

8.30 PM

It’s starting to get late now, so we put a couple of episodes of our favourite TV show on to unwind. We are really into ‘Atypical’ right now and are almost finished season two. 

10.00 PM

Before I brush my teeth and head into the bed, I check that I have everything so that I’m ready for tomorrow. I try and be asleep by 10.30 PM as I need to be up at 6.45 AM and will have another big day tomorrow!

Ryan was employed as a Web Developer at the conclusion of RAA’s Summer Internship Program.