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Vanessa Micarone

Vanessa studied combined Bachelor Psychological Science and Business (Human Resource Management at Flinders University and is the Human Resources Intern at RAA

6:40 AM

My first alarm goes off and I hit snooze on that dreaded tone.

6:45 AM

My second alarm goes off, I hit snooze once again with the thought that another five minutes of sleep will be sufficient. 

6:50 AM

Okay, I can't keep dragging this out any longer and I am starting to get a headache from these alarms, it’s time. I muster the strength and roll out of bed and hop into the shower.

7:00 AM

I’m awake! I make myself a cup of tea and begin the process of getting ready. 

7:15 AM

Hanging on my door I have my planned outfit for the day. I organised it last night to save myself the gruelling task of deciding what to wear. 

7:30 AM

I pack my bag with the lunch I made the night before and my bottle and off I go to work.

7:45 AM

I hop in my car and turn on Triple J to get me through the chaotic traffic on Main North Road.

8:15 AM

I arrive at work and search the parking lot in hopes I will find a park close by. I’m in luck!

8:20 AM

I walk into the office, set up my computer and go through my emails and calendar to see what I have planned for the day. It looks like I have my ‘ride along’ with an RAA Patrol, Mental Health First Aid training and internship team meeting.

8:25 AM

Before I start my day, I make an essential stop at the café to purchase my morning coffee. I am greeted by the lovely ladies behind the counter, but of course I have forgotten my coffee card yet again. I ask for another rewards card to add to the existing collection buried deep in my work bag.

8:30 AM

I return to my desk, write down my tasks for the day and respond to my emails. Yesterday afternoon I spent most of my time coordinating interview times between panellists and candidates. The majority of my emails are notifications that the interview requests have been accepted.

8:35 AM

I make my way down the hall to meet with my RAA Roadside Assistance Patrol and collect my high-vis vest. We head over to the vehicles and we are on our way.

Day in the life Vanessa - RAA

9:30 AM

Today is a warm day and I am told this is an indicator that it will be a busy day. It doesn’t take long until we are notified of our first job, a flat battery on West Terrace. We spot the lady beside her car who appears to be on her way to work. We exit the van and while the patrol is assessing the car, I make small talk with the member. It looks like we are going to have to escort the car to the closest mechanic.

12:30 PM

After a few hours of attending to our members, we return to RAA’s Head Office. It’s lunch time and I am starving! I meet the other interns at the café downstairs where we share our day’s activities and discuss individual projects we are working on.

1:15 PM

I have Mental Health First Aid training starting soon so I make my way to the training room. I have been eager to participate in this training so when this opportunity arose, I enthusiastically accepted. During this training we address a great amount of content, including the indicators of mental illness, how to perform the mental health first aid action plan and bust some key myths surrounding mental illness. I found this experience extremely valuable and applicable to all facets of life.


I am tasked with drafting an allegation related to a performance management matter. This involves drafting a written response outlining the alleged conduct in breach by clearly drawing links to where this is stated in the code of conduct. One thing that I have thoroughly enjoyed about this internship is the involvement in meaningful work.

5:00 PM

It’s time to head home. I pack my belongings, say goodbye to my colleagues and brace myself for the heavy peak hour traffic I am about to enter.

6:00 PM

I make it home, debrief with my family about my day and begin preparing dinner.

7:30 PM

It’s time to get ready for Pilates. I grab my drink bottle and towel and off I go. 

8:00 PM

I meet my friends at Pilates and catch up with them on their day. I start feeling tired but that soon subsides once I get 10 minutes into the session.

9:00 PM

I arrive back home and feel eager to hop into the shower to freshen up.

10:00 PM

I start preparing my lunch for the next day whilst practicing some gratitude on the small wins I experienced today.

11:30 PM

By this point I’m feeling exhausted. I set my 10 alarms for the next morning and go to bed.