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Application Process & Interviews at RAA

9.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 16 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The recruitment process was amazing, straight of the bat everyone in the room made you feel welcome and calm straight away.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Jun 2024
The hiring process was super seamless for me. I applied online, did a one-way video interview, and then had my final interview with HR and some managers from the marketing department. The whole time they were friendly and transparent, and I knew within a week of the outcome.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
The application process included a video interview and an interview in person. I was kept informed throughout the process and after acceptance as well.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
It was a very smooth process. The first stage was submitting a resume and catered cover letter and then if you were successful moving forward you did a digital interview where they recorded your responses to 3 or so questions. From there the last stage was an in-person interview with a member of HR and your manager where they asked a wide range of questions. I was notified very quickly (a couple of days) after the in-person interview that I was successful, especially in comparison to other companies who took weeks to get back.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
Pretty good and makes you move fast through the process.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
Completed an online video interview with basic/generic questions about myself and what I know about RAA. I received an email saying I had an interview and got some practice questions and information about RAA. Then had an in-person interview with the graduate manager and 2 other managers (which are now my graduate managers too).
Graduate, Adelaide - 26 Jun 2024
Easy process to understand with good support from Nicky.
Intern, Adelaide - 15 Feb 2024
CV and cover letter submission, online recorded video interview, in person interview with HR and role supervisor
Intern, Adelaide - 15 Feb 2024
It was a smooth process and very professional. The people conducting the interviews were very friendly and professional
Intern, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2024
1st step) Sending resume and CV 2nd step) Online interview 3rd step) Face - face to interview with HR and the manager I'll be working under. 4th step) call-back and on-boarding
Intern, Adelaide - 12 Feb 2024
My process was different to the rest of the Interns. I attended Tjindu (an Aboriginal academy that happens once a week), one of RAA's community partners. The RAP specialist worked at Tjindu for that day, he put my name forward than I submitted a resume. From that resume, I was given an interview. The time was decided on my availability. From there, I had the interview and found out I got the job, 5 hours later.
Intern, Adelaide - 12 Feb 2024
The interview process when I started was longer than what it currently is. I went through recorded interviews, an online interview, an online assessment (which was like flash games), an in-person interview, and a IRIS interview. I believe now it is just an online and in-person interview.
Graduate, Adelaide - 20 Oct 2023
The process for the graduate program has changed since I was interviewed. Currently, it involves a pre-recorded video interview and then a second interview that is mostly in-person.
Graduate, Adelaide - 12 Oct 2023
It was very good for the most part and the hiring staff were excellent in accommodating me and my need however there were some instances where certain interviews weren't necessary. However I've heard these have been removed for new applicants.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
After submitting an online application (which was very straightforward), I was given a problem-solving assessment to do. The assessment has been taken out since. This was followed by a video interview where I recorded myself giving answers to the questions on the screen. The step was fairly easy as I was given sufficient time to prepare and think before recording. I had met the manager at a careers expo before applying and had suggested to be authentic in the application process which helped me not be so nervous. The first interview was through teams with my direct manager and someone from HR. I don't remember being scared at all, they made me feel at ease and the tone was more conversational than interrogative. The final interview was with the senior manager and the early talent consultant, and it was the same as one before. Instead of testing us, they just wanted to know the candidates better.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
the questions cantered around personality, education, what I can bring to team RAA. The variety of questions were good as you can get a real idea of who the person is and what kind of person they are.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Jun 2024
A lot of the questions were centred around the company's values and how I exemplify these in different aspects of my life. There were also a few standard job interview questions that you would expect in any hiring process.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
What interested you about the program?
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
Questions were tailored to behaviour, including how I worked in a group, overcome any challenges, and how your values fit with those of RAA. They were also tailored to the role you were applying for, so I was asked about projects that I had worked on in relation to data science and analytics, how I would act to certain scenarios when being presented with data. Additionally, if there was anything they wanted to know more about from your resume they asked that.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
How much did I know about agile and scrum methodologies. What my experience is in the area. My best skills
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
I can't remember exactly as it was last year but there were a few situational questions, asking how I could improve an area of the business and what ways I can apply my university knowledge to RAA.
Graduate, Adelaide - 26 Jun 2024
I cannot remember all questions. - What do I know about RAA? - Tell us about a time you worked collaboratively - What do you know about RAAs websites/digital product (something similar to this)
Intern, Adelaide - 15 Feb 2024
How I deal with conflict, what made be choose my path of study, what sustainability means to me, what I knew about RAA and their values
Intern, Adelaide - 15 Feb 2024
Intern, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2024
A range of interview questions from common ones like how do you manage stress and conflict in the workplace to not too difficult technical questions related to the role.
Intern, Adelaide - 12 Feb 2024
- How did my values align with RAA's? How have I demonstrated them in other areas of life? What is my 5 year plan? There were more but I cannot remember.
Intern, Adelaide - 12 Feb 2024
Tell me a bit about yourself, what are your hobbies, what will I be doing before I start working fulltime (as I had already graduated uni), explain a recent uni project, whether I can talk about maths concepts in high level
Graduate, Adelaide - 20 Oct 2023
My current knowledge in the cyber security space. How I feel about certain things. What is my style of work.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
The interview questions aimed to know more about the transferrable skills and the basic knowledge and skillset for the role. I was asked about having to work in teams, navigating differences in opinions and other conflicts. I was also asked if I had worked with large datasets and how did the process look like e.g. cleaning, analysis, etc. Both interviews had the 'why this company/role' question as well.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Research the company and really think about how you as a personal align with their values and mission.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
Be honest with your answers - this will help both the recruiter and yourself to see if you are suitable for the company and likewise.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
I would say it is always best to go into the interviews being yourself as you want to make sure you would be a good fit for the company as well as the company being a good fit for yourself. Also, make yourself familiar with RAA's values and see if they align with your own personal values.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
Be yourself, be honest.
Graduate, Adelaide - 27 Jun 2024
Be passionate about RAA and have knowledge because RAA is an extremely big organisation and hires in many fields. They send a few practice questions to have a look at.
Graduate, Adelaide - 26 Jun 2024
Be authentic and yourself when applying, both in the interview and your cover letter. Learn about RAA, its products and services and its overarching goals
Intern, Adelaide - 15 Feb 2024
Thoroughly review the RAA strategic goals and company values and think about where they align in your life. This is one of the key things that RAA hires on.
Intern, Adelaide - 15 Feb 2024
Read up on the company and ensure your values align. Also align your interests with the position you are applying for
Intern, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2024
Do research the company's website. Understand the role you're applying for and research common interview questions. Attend networking events as well.
Intern, Adelaide - 12 Feb 2024
1. Understand their own values. 2. What do you want to achieve via this internship? Once you know, you can tell mentors and support, they will help you achieve your goals. 3. What are your interests?
Intern, Adelaide - 12 Feb 2024
Practice interview questions beforehand - try using the STAR technique. Be genuine and be yourself. Research RAA's values on their website and try to explain how you embody those values when answering questions. If you don't know an answer, say you don't know (much better than making something up). Prepare questions to ask them. Read any documentation they send you beforehand to prepare for the interview.
Graduate, Adelaide - 20 Oct 2023
RAA is looking to hire someone who reflects the company values, so make sure you know what they are and have examples of how you have demonstrated them in your personal life.
Graduate, Adelaide - 12 Oct 2023
I recommend candidates do research on the advocacy work the company does as well as company history.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
The biggest tip would be to be authentic and ensure you highlight how your values align with that of the company. Raa is big on their values and seek out people who match these to ensure they will be a good fit and that the company will be a good fit for them. As for the graduate program, they seek people with retail/hospitality experience as they tend to have a lot of transferable skills so do not leave that out of your resume. Having previous experience in the field is not at all essential, don't be put off by your lack of experience as that is the exact kind of person the company seeks in graduate programs.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023