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Application Process & Interviews at SLB

9.0 rating for Recruitment, based on 37 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Trainee, Perth - 21 Sep 2024
The interviewer was very pleasant to deal with. She was prompt, direct and honest about the whole prospect of the employment. She checked in regularly to follow up on whole journey joining the company.
Graduate, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
We have lot of engagement with universities for fresh hire and building great relationship with other agencies for experience hire. Interview start with basic questions on background though a form and can be through call with talent acquisition team. Then the interview was set with hiring manager from whom candidates can be evaluated by the future managers. And also it was a chance for candidates to know about the company, job and expectations.
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
SLB has internship program which will introduce the company even before they graduate. Fresh graduate that joined internship program most likely will join the company after. Interview is quite interactive, it score based on our way to answer question as well as how we are while working in a team discussion / project.
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
the recruitment process was quick and clear and very thorough
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
the recruiter was attentive and made the process feel personalized to me. Talking to the other recruits, they said the same, so that is really nice.
Graduate, Perth - 06 Aug 2024
The interview process at our company is thorough and well-structured. It typically begins with an initial phone or video screening to discuss the candidate's background and assess fit. This is followed by a series of in-person or virtual interviews with team members, managers, and sometimes senior leadership, focusing on both technical skills and cultural fit
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jul 2024
It was very good approach. All people involved were very welcoming and professional.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
The interview process of the company is great, and every recruitment process carried out are great.
Graduate, Papua New Guinea - 19 Jul 2024
Online application HR and manager interviews Individual and technical presentations
Graduate, Aberdeen - 15 Jul 2024
I was fortunately able to avoid the intense interview process via my investment in networking at an early stage of my university career. However, there was one coffee interview and one virtual interview.
Graduate, Aberdeen - 15 Jul 2024
Contains lots of parts, but basically, it's a process to know each other further. Basic introduction, self-introduction, presentation about myself and why I apply the company, the job development plan, Q&A session, introduction from company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jul 2024
Proactive, good communication, friendly and informative.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jul 2024
Began with an informal chat with a recruiter which escalated into a more formal interview.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jul 2024
Good hiring process, fairly rigorous. We need more engineers.
Graduate, Perth - 28 Jun 2024
The recruiters were uber-professional and friendly. They were honest when discussing the role. All information was provided and answers given to any questions I had. Onboarding was swift.
Graduate, Perth - 27 Jun 2024
Starting interviews, followed by main interviews
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jun 2024
In my case, I received a phone call from the recruiter, then I had my first online interview with her, then I had another interview with her and one of the managers. I was asked to prepare a presentation for the last interview. After being accepted, I had to do medical tests and other stuff.
Graduate, Perth - 24 Jun 2024
No assessments from my memory Interview process was smooth and I enjoyed the interviews. But it took multiple weeks to hear any follow up, or response to my own follow up.
Graduate, Moomba - 24 Oct 2023
interview: very relaxing and engaging assessment: was very different from any job I applied for as they didn't require it
Intern, Moomba - 19 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Not many questions asked as it was conducted informally
Trainee, Perth - 21 Sep 2024
Your recent work experience, industry experience, personal experience. What you can do and what you are looking for from the role
Graduate, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
What is your strength and weakness? What do you want to develop? What do you want to be in the future?
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
What is your bad experience and how you overcome it?
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
how long I have been in the industry in a similar role, my past experience, my goals, if I have heard of SLB before
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
What would you do with a problem if you had no constraints, what are the skills from a previous job i felt would be valuable in this role and why, and I was asked to describe a technical tool from the company in a presentation after they sent me a link.
Graduate, Perth - 06 Aug 2024
Technical Skills: "Can you describe a challenging project you've worked on and how you approached it?" "How do you stay current with industry trends and technologies relevant to this role?" Problem-Solving: "How would you handle a situation where a project is falling behind schedule?" "Can you provide an example of a time you had to troubleshoot a complex issue?" Behavioral and Situational: "Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult team member. How did you handle it?" "Describe a situation where you had to adapt quickly to a significant change in a project." Company Fit: "What attracted you to our company and this role?" "How do you align with our company values and culture?" Career Goals: "Where do you see yourself in the next 3-5 years, and how does this role fit into your career plans?" "What are your long-term professional goals, and how can our company help you achieve them?" These questions aimed to evaluate my expertise, problem-solving abilities, and compatibility with the company's culture and objectives.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jul 2024
In general, about previous experiences. What are my strengths and weakness? What I least like in SLB? What I would most like in SLB? Why do I want to join the company? I had to point one technical issue on my previous job and show how was my approach and what was the solution.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
Most of the questions asked are freshers or inexperience questions which are good. There were also questions asking about technical skills and behaviors.
Graduate, Papua New Guinea - 19 Jul 2024
What do you know about SLB? What do expect the work life to be like? How are you going to manage you time? What area of the company do you want to work for? How much money are you asking for?
Graduate, Aberdeen - 15 Jul 2024
What's the promotion structure? Why does introduction describe 'identify priority of tasks is essential for this job'?
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jul 2024
My skills, experience and how I view the next 10years. My expectations of the company and what I wish to accomplish.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jul 2024
How I work in teams. My strenghts, weaknesses etc. Where i see myself in 5 10 20 years.
Graduate, Perth - 28 Jun 2024
Are you aware the job is demanding? Would you describe yourself as mobile? What drew you to Slb?
Graduate, Perth - 27 Jun 2024
Prior experiences, ability to travel
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jun 2024
Questions about myself (hobbies, problem/solution situations, experience...) and questions about the company itself (general).
Graduate, Perth - 24 Jun 2024
Same questions as this video mostly. https://youtu.be/Et5eQb0uHOs?si=9JqmEPlsZyVLUJHe
Graduate, Moomba - 24 Oct 2023
how do you know if you have to fix something or if something not working correctly?
Intern, Moomba - 19 Oct 2023
Questions about myself, my life, technical background.
Graduate, Perth - 17 Oct 2023
What are you five greatest strengths and weaknesses, why do I want to join SLB,
Graduate, Perth - 17 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Should be more welcoming to new employees and proper guidance on how to use the systems. HR should be more involved in describing things to new employees. Regular HR and career development team to approach employs face to face or direct calls
Trainee, Perth - 21 Sep 2024
Be honest and proactive. Best to show your true color as they can find you quickly after thousand of interview. Show your willingness to learn and adapt.
Graduate, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
Be prepared for a big change in life. It is a great adventure and be open to tell your expectation. Have questions to ask to explore more options.
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
Apply for more internship, have more chance to explore work environment hence you can feel which kind of work environment you like to work in. Once you love your job, you'll progress fast in your career.
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
Be positive, cheerful and keen; know the role you are applying for; do a bit of research on SLB; ask questions about the role what is expected; if not stated in the ad what the remuneration would look like; any training required etc
Experienced, Perth - 21 Aug 2024
Be honest. If the company is not for you and you are not for the company, no point in wasting your time there.
Graduate, Perth - 06 Aug 2024
To prepare for applying to our company, research our values and recent projects, practice answering behavioral questions using the STAR method, and be ready to demonstrate problem-solving skills and cultural fit while asking insightful questions and dressing professionally.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Jul 2024
Just be honest about your experiences and about what you want.
Graduate, Perth - 22 Jul 2024
Understanding who you are talking to and what their background is is very important to grasp the intensity and dedication this job takes. Also, knowing how to leverage your time in an effective way and telling stories about why efficiency matched with high value delivery is the most important understanding to a good career with this company.
Graduate, Aberdeen - 15 Jul 2024
Keep positive attitude to life and work. Also, it could be helpful if you can get some practice experience.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jul 2024
Be honest so that you can access if company is the correct choice and so the employer can assess if you are the right fit.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jul 2024
Familiarize with the industry as much as possible, especially if youre not a petroleum background
Graduate, Perth - 28 Jun 2024
Apply via university careers fairs or open days. Be sure to familiarise yourself with both the company and its services or offerings. Be prepared to travel in the role.
Graduate, Perth - 27 Jun 2024
Be yourself, be bubbly and show them that you are strong and willing to withstand any situation you might pass through during your time at the field.
Graduate, Perth - 24 Jun 2024
Prepare by talking to someone that already works for the company
Graduate, Moomba - 24 Oct 2023
Just be yourself
Intern, Moomba - 19 Oct 2023
Volunteer as much as possible and take every opportunity you are given to get experience and industry insights. Once you get to the interview stage, try your best as hard as it is to be yourself and just speak with the interviewer as if you are just colleagues or team mates for a university group assignment. Try to be confident in yourself and remember all the work and challenges you've completed and overcome to get to this point, and just try and sell yourself to the interviewer as someone they could genuinely see themselves getting along with and working alongside.
Graduate, Perth - 17 Oct 2023
Read about the company, always smile in the interview, dont just talk about yourself but also ask the recruiter/manager what they think about the company and about their career path.
Graduate, Perth - 17 Oct 2023
Please be yourself.
Graduate, Perth - 17 Oct 2023
Think about answers before providing them. Not every question should be responded with a yes, and it is important to ensure that you are a good fit for the company and the company is a good fit for you - it is a two way street.
Experienced, Perth - 11 Jul 2023