Updating Results

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Ella Loeffler

8:00 AM 

Alarm goes off. I hit snooze until 8:29 when I roll out of bed to start the day (still in my pyjamas). 

8:30 AM

I attend a virtual daily 30-minute team catch up with the three others in my team. We have an unspoken rule that cameras are off at this time of day. We use this as a time to fill each other in on our tasks for the day, any important news or information, and any urgent tasks. We also use this as a time to check in on how everyone is doing in general. 

9:00 AM 

After the catch up Ill go make myself a cup of tea and a bowl of oats. I check my emails, read the news and check my Twitter feed. I might have an email from my manager with a task for the day, or some invitations to attend work meetings for the week ahead. 

10:00 AM

I attend a virtual meeting about Biodiversity bushfire recovery. Various project leads provide an update to the broader team. I take notes so I know where different projects are at for reporting or communications. 

11:00 AM

I work on a summary document from a meeting held last week – this includes typing up notes into a two-page summary document to send out and progress.  

​​​​​​​12:30 PM 

I Change out of my pyjamas and make myself some lunch – hopefully, there are some leftovers in the fridge, otherwise, I’ll cook something quick (one of the benefits of working from home) or if Im feeling particularly lazy/ have a busy day, I might treat myself to takeaway.  

​​​​​​​1:00 PM 

I go for a walk while I catch up on the phone with my grad mentor. We speak once or twice a month to chat about what I’ve been doing, and if I have any challenges at work. Its nice to have a different person to chat to and get to know from a different team in the Department. Theyre also great at offering advice! 

​​​​​​​2:00 PM 

Meeting with researchers from a University to update us on a project theyre carrying out on the impact of bushfires on native wildlife.  

​​​​​​​3:00 PM 

Focus time. Im my most productive in the afternoon, so I try to block out at least a couple of quiet hours to work on some tasks. This might be brief to the Minister, a funding proposal, or reporting on a project Im helping coordinate. 

​​​​​​​5:00 PM 

Sign off for the day. 

​​​​​​​6:00 PM 

Once or twice a week Ill go to a yoga class or head to my local pool for a swim. On non-exercise days this will likely be replaced by a nap. 

​​​​​​​7:00 PM 

Dinner with my share house. We share the cooking throughout the week and definitely sharpened our cooking skills during the lockdown. We dont have a dishwasher so whoever didnt cook gets to wash up. 

​​​​​​​8:30 PM

Read a book, facetime a friend from interstate, hang out with my housemates or watch something on Netflix. 

​​​​​​​11:00 PM 
