Updating Results

Xero Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sadia Tithi

7.00 AM

Wake up to alarm number 8, scroll through my phone for notifications and take a quick look at the calendar for today. Get up, get fresh and be ready for work.

8.15 AM

I am lucky to work up the road from the office. So I leave my apartment and waddle over to the office. Maybe pick up an iced coffee with ice cream on the way.

8.30 AM

Once I reach the office, I wave and say hi to everyone. I declutter the contents of my bag onto the table. Turn on my Mac, sign in and take out my notebook and pen. I am ready to start my day.

8.45 AM

The first thing I check is my calendar, make a mental note of my meetings for the day. Start jotting down any additional tasks or reminders and ensure I have set up any necessary preparation times before my meetings. Once I have completed the general list for the day, I focus on my first meeting which is with a partner. I go over any notes I may have. I open the relevant web pages and files that I will need to share. I then open my Zoom and start the meeting with about 4 minutes to start time.

XERO - Sadia Tithi drinking coffee

9.00 AM

The first meeting is 30 minutes with a  partner where we go over the Partner Resources Checklist. I frame the session and go over what success looks like for us. I go over the checklist and together with the partner we come up with a timeline to get them up and running with their Xero organizations and Reporting.

XERO - Sadia Tithi talking with her colleague

9.30 AM

Once the meeting is over I book the future consultation sessions as discussed and upload the relevant documents for the partner to view. I get on with a bit of admin work and record the meeting. Then I get started with checking my emails, replying to partners. In addition, I also reach out and chat to my team members.

10.30 AM

The next task on my calendar is presenting a live webinar on Reporting. I take the next hour to check that my demo environment is all good to go. I refresh myself on the content that I have to present and open the relevant tabs that I will be showing.

11.50 AM

I open Zoom and start the practice session of the webinar.

11.55 AM

Open the webinar and allow the attendees to join the session. I let them know that I will be starting in a few minutes.

12.00 PM

I start the live webinar on Xero Reporting. I take the attendees over how reporting works and what functionalities are available and why Xero Reporting is going to bring more consistency and efficiency into their workflow.

XERO - Sadia Tithi Discussing

1.00 PM

Lunch, usually out with my colleagues.

1.50 PM

Back to my calendar and focus on my second partner meeting. I go over any notes I may have. I open the relevant web pages and files that I will need to share. I then open my Zoom and start the meeting with about 4 minutes to start time.

XERO - Sadia Tithi Working on her desk

2.00 PM

30 minute partner meeting to discuss the tax conversion process. I start by asking a few questions to get a better understanding of their tax conversion. I take them over the process and finally we come up with a timeline for them to get their tax conversion rolling.

2.30 PM

Once the meeting is over I upload the relevant documents for the partner to view. I get on with a bit of admin work and record the meeting. Continuing that admin work, I check my task list and get back to any partners I need to.

3.30 PM

Internal catch up with team members to discuss what we have been working on. Check how they are doing and what next week looks like. See if there are any meetings I can sit in to learn or any projects I can help with.

XERO - Sadia Tithi In a meeting

4.00 PM

Blocked out an hour for internal tasks. Catching up on admin work but mostly self-learning for future meetings & webinars. Going through the flow of an End to End meeting, setting up my demo environment.

5.00 PM

This is when I start my 20 minute walk back home.

6.00 PM

I freshen up and grab dinner and pick something to watch on Netflix/Disney. Occasionally I do a little bit of reading on my Kobo. I will finally scroll through instagram until I nod off.