Updating Results

Xero Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Gender Equality at Xero Australia

Supporting gender diversity at Xero

At Xero, focusing on gender diversity has always been a priority for us as we’re keen to get more women into the tech sector, ensure we have good female representation across our management levels, and remove any roadblocks to gender equality in all aspects of life at Xero. We know this drives better business outcomes not only for Xero but for our small business partners and customers.

Currently, 40% of our Xero leadership team (Xero CEO and direct reports) and 44% of our employees were women, and we had three female and five male directors on our Board.

As part of Xero’s continuing commitment to gender equality, we are proud to be included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. This inclusion recognises our investment in fostering a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

Gender pay equity

We regularly track our diversity data for internal monitoring and accountability. As part of this work, we conduct an annual organisation-wide pay equity review at Xero and communicate results to employees. At the time of our last review in March 2023, our analysis showed that on a like-for-like basis, we are providing equitable salary outcomes when compared to overall median market remuneration.

Our median gender pay gap* is 9.5% which has decreased year-on-year between FY22 and FY23.

We also think it’s important to shine a spotlight on and celebrate our female Xero customers and partners who are shaping the world of small business across the globe.

*To calculate our gender pay gap, we review actual total earnings of employees over the past 12 months. We then take the median actual earnings of males, minus the median actual earnings of females, divided by the median actual earnings of males. A weighted average was then used across each region to get to a Xero overall figure.

Increasing female representation at Xero

We are committed to getting more women into the tech sector through a number of initiatives including:

  • supporting organisations that are working to attract and develop a more gender diverse workforce, including Code Like a Girl, Tech Girls Movement, Finding Ada and Women’s Tech Network (Canberra)
  • championing the development of STEM careers through initiatives including Xero’s graduate and intern programs
  • shining a spotlight on the importance of gender equality through International Women’s Day, running events across our offices.