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ACT Government

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Any there any tips for the ACT Government graduate program virtual assessments?

ACT Public Service Team

Arrive early. Sometimes with virtual platforms you can make it by logging on just seconds before it begins, but we wouldn't recommend that here. You should be prepared and ready well before the assessment centre is due to begin. This will give you time to fix any unexpected technical problems that might arise. We also take note of those that show up nice and early!

Do your homework. Make sure you've done your homework and thought about what you want to say. You don't need to prepare for weeks, but practice introducing yourself and familiarise yourself with the basics of what the ACT Government does day to day.

Be well rested. Make sure you've had a good sleep and you're refreshed and ready to go. How you present is really important and it's difficult to present well when you're low on sleep.

Be yourself. We found that a lot of applicants and graduates found the virtual experience to be less daunting than real life assessment centres. This is because they are in the comfort of their own home and had more time to prepare and think about their answers. Use this to your advantage. Relax and give confident and thoughtful responses.

Don't be too comfortable! Don't wear your pajamas! Make sure your room is tidy if your background is visible. Recruiters notice all sorts of little things and will often wonder what a messy room or unmade bed will say about someone.

Do you have a question for ACT Government or any other graduate employer? Ask it here!