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Northrop Consulting Engineers

  • 100 - 500 employees

Management at Northrop Consulting Engineers

8.6 rating for Management, based on 48 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
My immediate manager is extremely accessible and always makes time to answer questions despite being very busy at times. We have regular monthly catchups which allow time to ask questions and raise any issues, as well as discuss a path to job and skill progression.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
Great teachers and often always accessible, difficult when they are not. I believe they are easy to approach and ask questions
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
The management culture is very relaxed, which is good and bad. I am not micromanaged but there isn't a lot of feedback on how to improve. They have good technical skills which is very helpful. Unfortunately, there is disagreement in the way in which the like projects to be documented, how to calculate fee estimates etc. when working for different managers it can be confusing as to what is the preferred way to do something. there is very poor standardization across the broader remedial team.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
Easy to speak and reach out to your team managers. If they can't, they will try to re direct you to the most appropriate person. They are extremely helpful and will provide in depth information when explaining. The one on one meetings are how feedback and recognition can be provided.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Sep 2024
Team and office managers are friendly, helpful and always up for a chat. I feel comfortable talking to all of them. Performance feedback is always kind even when giving constructive criticism.
Intern, Newcastle - 12 Sep 2024
A good mentor who is easily approachable.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
The managers at Northrop are very accessible and approachable, which has made a huge difference in my experience as a graduate engineer. They are always willing to answer questions, provide feedback, and offer advice when needed. I have monthly one-on-one catchups with my manager. Internal comms is usually in person or through live messaging or teams calls
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Sep 2024
Managers are generally pretty accessible and are good mentors.
Graduate, Wollongong - 06 Sep 2024
The managers are sitting very closely to the team and they are very accessible. They are good mentors and most of them have good communication skills. They praise the team members upfront and feedback are usually given during one on one catch up to allow for privacy.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Sep 2024
My mentor is separate from my manager. My mentor is really good at helping with my technical and professional development. They are always accessible and understanding. However, I find that my manager is absent most time and is unaware of my activities and learning progression. I'm unaware of any formal communication between my mentor and manager, therefore, makes me worry about how this will impact my career progression.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Sep 2024
Managers and mentors are fantastic, really strong with this side of things
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2024
For me personally, yes. Most managers within Canberra and within the building services section - are all extremely approachable and want you to succeed personally. They pass on good feedback as well as providing constructive feedback (not making you feel like you did anything wrong).
Graduate, Canberra - 06 Aug 2024
People in Northrop is very friendly and helpful. Most of them can be qualified as good mentors, as they are keen on helping you improve as an Engineer. You get performance feedback informally based on verbal communication between you and your senior/manager. The Senior/Manager would provide you with praise or constructive feedback for you to understand and improve for the future.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Aug 2024
Everyone has a mentor and a manager. Each person is super accessible to ask questions. Mentors meet up monthly to track technical and general progress and provide feedback. Mentors are usually principals of the company so have good experience.
Graduate, Newcastle - 02 Aug 2024
Generally quite good for all of these.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Aug 2024
I am very satisfied and they are really helpful to solve the problems that I got in my works. They are happy and willing to help me out and guide me during the period. I appreciate that.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2022
Yes. They are just a call a way. They are trying to make time available when you need them.
Graduate, Newcastle - 22 Jul 2022
Very accessible throughout the day and always willing to talk to you about project issues or questions. Regular mentor/manager catch ups are done to ensure there is a chance for feedback and communication
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jul 2022
Yes, I appreciate that i get mentored by leading professionals who help me progress my future career goals and are always available for guidance or technical advice
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Jul 2022
Very good indeed. I'm very satisfied with my manager and understand that she has tons of works, but she still can manage let me asks questions and else. Also, a very understanding person.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Jul 2022